It seems that there has been some change in the X11 permission. This change prevents starting gparted when sued to root. As debian and ubuntu have remove gksu people need to handle the permissions themselves. The following command sequence will allow you to run `gparted`.
Category: debian
Show ISO Time-Stamps in Thunderbird
In order to fix the recent brokenness of Thunderbird’s displayed time you need to run as root the following commands: optionally (once Thunderbird is fixed the setting shown below should suffice): Go to Thunderbird’s advanced options Edit -> Preferences -> Advanced -> Config Editor and add a new key intl.locale.requested […]
FIX: QEMU – console not visible
When the curses console of QEMU does not become visible, then you can try the following settings in the virtual machine: /etc/default/grub should contain GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=”console=tty0 console=ttyS0″ /etc/modprobe.d/bochs_drm.conf should contain install bochs_drm /bin/true